Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beauty on Point: How to Make Your Make-Up Last All Day

applying make up
source: meltonlearning.com

Long-lasting make-up is an absolute game changer in everyone’s daily beauty routine. That’s why, there's nothing more frustrating than spending time perfecting your makeup in the morning, only to have it smear, fade, or give you raccoon eyes by midday. Whether dealing with a busy day at work or attending a special event, you 'll want to have your makeup on point from morning to night.

If you feel like that’s so hard almost impossible to achieve, we wouldn’t agree because you, too, can nail dawn-to-dusk makeup, regardless of your budget, degree of expertise, or skin type, whether you have oily, dry, or mixed skin. And, no, you won’t need a work of magic but the right make-up products and a few tricks.

Prep Your Face with a Primer
smiling woman applying skin primer to her face
source: pinterest.com

Just like everything in life, setting a solid base is crucial for your makeup to last all day long. One of the best ways to acquire this is with a good face primer. In fact, any flawless make-up look begins with the use of smooth and long-lasting skin primer with parabens-free and dermatologically approved formula.

A makeup primer is a beauty product that seals in moisture and helps the foundation adhere to your skin. It creates a barrier between your skin and makeup, helping it last longer. Using a primer will help to seal your skincare and smooth the skin, preventing your makeup from sinking into pores and wrinkles.

Start by spritzing it liberally to hydrate, soothe, and nourish the skin, then follow with a moisturiser suitable to your skin type. Good makeup primers will not only hydrate, soften and soothe the skin, but will also help to set your makeup, whilst keeping it fresh, and can also be spritzed throughout the day to rehydrate and refresh the skin.

Discovering how to make foundation last all day comes down to finding the right primer for your skin. Since, drugstores and beauty counters carry an assortment of primers, those with dry and combination skin should stick with alternatives that contain locks in moisture and note long-wearing capabilities. Such primers deliver soothing hydration and radiance for longer.

However, if you have oiler skin a mattifying formula that delivers an all-day reduction in the appearance of pores, controls oil and shine, and promises an improvement in skin texture is your best buy. Apply a pea-sized amount of skin primer to your face and evenly distribute it across your face. Focus on areas prone to creasing or fading, like the T-zone, when applying.

Avoid Layering on Too Much Makeup

Although it may appear paradoxical, applying too much makeup causes your makeup to fall off during the day. For maximum coverage, avoid using a thick, cakey foundation; heavy layers of foundation do not adhere to the skin and hence slide off the face after a few hours of wear.

Begin by applying a thin layer of makeup and dabbing it into your skin with your finger or a makeup sponge. Choose long-lasting items such as waterproof mascara, long-wear eyeliner, lip liner, or lip tints that give rich pigment without the need for excessive layering.

Choose Long-Wearing Foundation Formula

Fortunately, in today's makeup world, long wear does not always imply heavy or cakey. There are numerous options, but "finding a long-wearing foundation and concealer in your desired coverage" is critical to ensuring your makeup lasts throughout the day.

Choose the appropriate foundation formula for your skin type. If you have oily skin, for example, a matte foundation may be the best way to regulate excess oil. For dry skin, a more radiant finish is preferable. Whatever foundation you pick, apply it softly and in thin layers to avoid creasing and smearing.

Add an Extra Layer of Concealer

While concealer may appear too thick for some, it is an important step in ensuring your makeup lasts all day. Begin with concealer, then apply foundation, followed by another layer of concealer to get full coverage.

Don't Forget the Eye Primer

While skin primers help keep foundation, concealer, cream blush, bronzer, and highlighter in place, an eye-area primer helps your eye makeup stay all day. Therefore, before applying eye shadow or other eye makeup, use an eye shadow primer. Make certain that all eyeshadows are highly pigmented. This is critical for colour vibrancy.

Go the Extra Mile with the Lips
woman applying lipstick
source: pexels.com

Longwear lip colours are vital. They come in many finishes and textures, but always accompany them with lip liner to prevent bleeding. When using traditional lipstick, apply a layer, blot, and then apply another layer. Don't forget to use a lip primer as just like your face and eyes, your lips also need a solid base to stay fresh, hydrated and beautiful all day.

Complete the Look with Makeup Setting Spray

Makeup-setting sprays are useful for many reasons. They often enhance the glow and contain nutrients, but, most importantly, just a spritz or two locks in all that hard work you just put into your face.

If you have dry skin, a setting spray may be preferable to a setting powder because the former gives your face a dewy appearance and sets your eye and lip makeup as well as your foundation. To use a makeup setting spray, hold the spray bottle six inches away from your face and spritz it twice after you've finished applying your makeup. Allow it to thoroughly dry before touching your face.

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